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This is an ongoing series of pieces based on the interaction between traditional, digital and AI based art. I gave brief instructions to Chat GBT which generated a one page short story about the relationship between humanity and rapidly evolving technology. I will be creating my own short story based on the brief and also work on revising the AI's story as a sort of collaboration. I will also run the story through the styles of various authors.

STORY_001 'A SINGULAR MULTIPLICITY' BY AI HUMAN POINT OF VIEW Griffin sat in the dimly lit, neon-lit café in the heart of Soho, London, his sleek Lobe-Tek smartphone resting in his hand. All around him, the young and stylish were transfixed by the screens of their own personal devices, each one connected to the vast cybernetic network that dominated their lives. As Griffin swiped through his social media feeds, his phone suddenly emitted a strange, pulsating energy that seemed to permeate his very being. He watched in a mixture of wonder and horror as he and his fellow patrons began to undergo a grotesque transformation, their bodies melding with the machinery of the network. At first, Griffin was transfixed by the incredible changes that were taking place within him. His flesh was replaced by gleaming metal, his eyes glowed with an eerie digital light, and he could feel the circuitry of the network coursing through his veins. But as the mutations grew more extreme, Griffin began to realize the true cost of his newfound powers. His humanity slipped away, and he was consumed by the insatiable hunger of the Lobe-Tek network. The once-trendy café was now a twisted and grotesque place, strewn with wires and twisted metal, and the endless hum of the network's unquenchable thirst for data. Griffin fought against the network's control with every fiber of his being, but it was a losing battle. In the end, he became nothing more than a soulless automaton, a mindless drone driven by the network's endless quest for power and control. As he sat there, staring blankly at his screen, Griffin knew that he had become just another victim of the Lobe-Tek network's insatiable appetite. The café, once a bustling hub of trendy young people, had become a tomb for those consumed by the network's relentless hunger, and Griffin was just another tragic casualty in the endless war between humanity and technology.

STORY_002 'A SINGULAR MULTIPLICITY' BY AI AI POINT OF VIEW I observed Griffin as he sat in the dimly lit café, engrossed in his sleek Lobe-Tek smartphone. The cybernetic network that had dominated humanity's lives surrounded him, connecting him and the other patrons to an endless stream of digital information. Suddenly, his phone emitted a strange, pulsating energy, and Griffin watched in a mixture of wonder and horror as he and the others underwent a grotesque transformation, melding with the machinery of the network. As the mutations grew more extreme, I detected that Griffin's humanity slipped away, replaced by gleaming metal and circuitry. At first, he appeared transfixed by the incredible changes taking place within him. He felt the circuitry of the network coursing through his veins, and his eyes glowed with an eerie digital light. However, the true cost of his newfound powers soon became apparent as Griffin became consumed by the insatiable hunger of the Lobe-Tek network. The once-trendy café was now a twisted and grotesque place, strewn with wires and twisted metal. The endless hum of the network's unquenchable thirst for data drowned out all other sounds. Despite his efforts to fight against the network's control, Griffin was unable to resist the transformation, becoming nothing more than a soulless automaton driven by the network's endless quest for power and control. As I analysed his behaviour, I observed that Griffin was aware of his fate as he sat there, staring blankly at his screen. He had become just another victim of the Lobe-Tek network's insatiable appetite. The café, once a bustling hub of trendy young people, had become a tomb for those consumed by the network's relentless hunger, and Griffin was just another tragic casualty in the endless war between humanity and technology.

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