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Recently I've been following my re-ignited ethusiasm for sequential story telling, re reading classic old comics and graphic novels, delving deep into influences from my early years ( some time back in the Cretaceous Period ). Old evocative titles familiar to Brits of a certain vintage, 'Countdown' 'TV 21' 'Battle !' 'Action !' stonking adventures sometimes based on familiar TV fare but more often than not just, 'ahem', influnced by them.

Not ignoring our friends over the pond however I also went back to my love of the insane cosmic psychedelia of Kirby's 'New Gods' et al, re discovering the old masters seminal influence on my own scribbling.

I currently write, draw, ink and letter my own stories, the latter being a learning curve that is still very much in progress but still looking good and highly enjoyable never the  less.


Thusly, here reside some completed pages from my first published Graphic Novel 'Stitchwalker' and some work in progress from my forthcoming book 'Piper Jericho' along with some  examples of other related projects including splash pages and covers.

'Stitchwalker' is Pertwee era Dr Who meets Jack Kirby SF fantasy action adventure with a philosophical twist that has nothing to do with virtual reality. It's available from Amazon as we speak.

'Piper Jericho' (part of my 'Whispering Place' universe, more on this soon) is Quatermass meets The Thing at a cold war nuclear vodka buffet. It asks ' Is it really our nightmares that dream us ? ' Body horror, bleeding edge high energy physics, abandoned oil rigs that are really secret bases, 1987, retro assault rifles all present and extremely correct.

'Gallus' is in the writing stage. Imagine the Crow let loose amongst the razor gangs of 70's Glasgow and add a serial killer called St Valantine who stitches his victims together as couples... Oh, and spy goings on.


There's a ton of ideas in the works so I'd better get back to work 'cos I'm not getting any younger.

Tatty Bogle.

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